Yo-Yo KVTV Summer Edition. We are enjoying the Corona summer holidays to the full and wanted to test the trendy home holiday for suitability for everyday use.
Necessity is the mother of invention, and since it is not possible to jet around the globe from one biennial to the next triennial outside of "Schland" - business as usual - we looked around for you regionally. And so we ended up in Hessian Tuscany - in the Mediterranean Rheingau, more precisely at the Bingen-Skulpturen-Triennale
Under this year's title real and fake, the 5th exhibition presents around 20 artistic positions, ranging from brightly shining comets on the art horizon, such as Alicja Kwade and Jenny Holzer, to smaller stars, such as the local artist Marcel Walldorf. Along the banks of the Rhine and at selected locations in Bingen's city centre, the artists have devoted themselves with different approaches to the question of original and fake.
Sounds mega, we thought and went on a fun train ride with the RE to Bingen to see with our own eyes whether Bingen can really conjure up this X-Factor moment.
Can the Bingen surrogate really be compared to a short trip to Tuscany? Does the sweet and sour smell of the banks of the Rhine bring up warm memories of the Mediterranean Mediterranean in us? Is home leave really as glamorous as it is sold to us in our instafeed? Or is everything just a fake after all? Come with us on our trip to Bingen and check out our articles on the WE for deeper insights.