Park Bench Talk #4 with Tee Ly
Park Bench Talk #4 with Tee Ly

For Park Bench Talk # 4, KVTV caught up with Tee Ly for a Corona update. Tee is a video artist, performer and student at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach a.M. We wanted to know how Corona has influenced her work, what role Instagram plays for her and what's new at the HfG . As a meeting place Tee suggested us the Toys-R-Us building in Offenbach am Main, which is vegetating in front of itself. The concrete block in exposed city center location waits already for ages for its reorganization and the realization of a million euro new building complex à la clinker facade and roof greening in the middle in Offenbach city. Meanwhile, the half-intact bargain parking garage is perfectly suited as a creative secret hotspot for bored teenagers scribbling on walls and HfG - students who unsuccessfully copy the unique scribble style in their art school studies, as well as conversation-seeking Kulturvotzen.

The conversation took place on 25.04.2020.